ATM Security News

Spendings in the hacking are among the most efficient investments!
Spendings in the hacking are among the most efficient investments!

Specialists figured out the price of hacking The costs of hacker attacks pay off immediately after the first theft, according to a study of... off immediately after the first theft
It's time to rethink how we manage the cost of cash.

It's time to rethink how we manage the cost of cash.

The headline I have borrowed from a nice article by Suzanne Cluckey on*). Despite the “cashless” trend in some of the developed countries,...

cash in circulation is growing up...

It seems Bali is not only vacation paradise but also the card skimmers Bonanza?!

It seems Bali is not only vacation paradise but also the card skimmers Bonanza?!

It was announced by Coconuts Bali, four fraudsters involved into card skimming activity have been arrested. The cash in the value of 0.5 mln...

Skimming around us...

Genetic as the card skimming fighting tool!

Genetic as the card skimming fighting tool!

Very interesting (and I suggest the efficient) way to fight the card skimmers has been used by the San Antonio (USA) police. The card...

DNA works to catch skimmer fraudster...

Murphy’s Law in ATM security

Murphy’s Law in ATM security

“Murphy’s Law” states that "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”. The principles that excellently describe the situation we have today with ATMs...

what is wrong with ATM security


PayMaster | Payment Recycle Self Pay Kiosk
PayMaster | Payment Recycle Self Pay Kiosk

The Paymaster Self-Service Kiosk allows commerce in all sectors to reduce Personnel Costs, Focus on Customer Service and Increase Revenue.

read more about Paymaster


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