Point-of-Sale Tag
Teller Assist Units (TAU) are a key factor in the security of personalized banking services in branches
The article is based on the publication in PLUSworld.ru, https://www.plusworld.ru/, that in turn is based on the RBR information. We have translated the article and only slightly edited it. Please click on the link to find out what TCR equipment is distributed by SPL GROUP? The deployment of TAUs with the cash recycling function continues throughout the world. The increasingly active introduction of TAUs with the recycling function is due to the desire of banks to improve the efficiency of service processes. According to RBR's new research, banks remain committed to the branch network as the main channel for delivering...
The next step in “smart safe” device genesis.
The importance of “smart safes” and of “retail recyclers” to lower the cash management related expenses and to fight the cash shrinkage is very well described in the article of Jim Halpin from Compuflex Corporation. (1) I cite it here slightly abridged: Cash pickups, skims, or bleeds reduce shortages, protect against theft, and improve counting efficiency, but there are cost. Just one pick up for ten cashiers daily cost $21,000.00 per year plus labor lost to coverage to handle the pickups, cash merges, deposit preparation, and time to reset start banks. Here are three smart ways to lower the cost...
How Retail Recycler fight cash skimming?
Despite a lot of technology, the “cash shrinkage” has grown in the US in 2017, by 1.44% (1). The “employee theft/internal” accounts for 30%, and “administrative and paperwork error” account for 21.3% of total shrinkage amount (1). Let shortly analyze ways how “cash skimming” is possible in the shop? Your employee working behind the counter decides whether the proceeds from a cash sale go into the register or his pockets. Skimming occurs when cash from a sale is not recorded in your accounting books. (2) There are some well-documented ways, how the “cash skimming” is done: Short-term skimming occurs when...
As promised in our previous blog, we are announcing the availability of a new model of our popular Retail Recycler. It is Secure Cash Deposit (SCD). SECURECASH DEPOSIT (SCD) THE MOST VERSATILE DEVICE ON THE MARKET COMBINES THE FUNCTIONALITY OF RETAIL RECYCLER’S, CASH STORAGE VOLUME OF SMART-SAFE, AND SECURITY OF ATM. This means a closed and safe cash cycle, eliminate the risks related to handling the collected cash at the point of sale. “SecureCash Deposit” device is the further development of our SecureCash portfolio. It allows cash management to be improved directly at the cashier working place, completing...
Message to POS suppliers | SecureCash
Am I exaggerating when I say that pretty much every Retailer is dreaming of the day when Cash Sales are as Simple and Secure as Card based Sales? Time consuming and error prone activities like Counting Cash, Counterfeit Notes, Security, Shrinkage, Robbery, Storage, Hygiene, Bank Account Deposit and CIT related expenses are all too familiar challenges for the Point-of-Sale Retailer, handling Cash at the Point-of-Sale. New Technology is making our lives easier and safer through the use of Connected Systems, and now Smart Systems can potentially eliminate these “Challenges” in the Point-of-Sale Retail environment. I am certain that you, and...
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