Is the California Consumer Privacy Act a step toward a US version of GDPR? (1)
James Francis Trocme recently has posted on LinkedIn the short article
We would like to cite it in full:
Consumer expectations and demands about data privacy and security are rising and spreading. California is the new battleground in the US for what may evolve into a wave of GDPR-like state and eventually federal regulation or legislation.
The California Consumer Privacy Act will grant people in the state new rights to control information businesses gather about users and subscribers and monetize. Therefore understanding GDPR and now CCPA, if you have not already looked into it, is probably a good way to prepare in anticipation of digital privacy regulatory mandates, the big boys and girls (Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook) are already on notice and resisting on the one hand, while planning on how and when to adapt on the other hand. They already are confronting these issues in Europe with GDPR.
As we already pointed out in our blog, the USA is not immune against EU GDPR regulation. Now, the CCPA is coming as the “home-born initiative”. Today – only in California. We also know, CA is very often the initiator of many initiatives that are targeted to improve the climate, the health, other sites of our life. Now the time came for the information privacy!
This act will significantly influence the obligation of ATM owners. Definitely, we will need more precise research about what exactly must be done in regards to information storage on ATMs. Right now we can recommend doing the very simple thing – to encrypt the information saved on HDD of ATM. The easiest way to do this is to purchase ATM SW Security suit: Checker” from SPL GROUP, the official distributor this extent and very affordable solution. “Checker “ will not only help the ATM owners to become compliant with GDPR and CCPA!
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