Checker – the ultimate ATM security solution | ATM malware protection
Are you aware that even the Industry Leading desktop PC Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware programs are NOT as Effective at defending ATMs?
Whilst these “regular defense” programs excel at detecting day-to-day PC threats, they cannot distinguish between a Genuine, and a Malicious Application designed to, for example, Dispense Cash or Capture Data at the criminal’s request.
ATM attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated; whilst Card Skimming is still very “popular”, criminals have turned their attention to more lucrative forms of theft, with software based attacks increasing rapidly.
Almost every week, new variants of virus or malware capable of assisting criminals to steal data or cash are being released; being freely available to purchase from the Dark Web, with such detailed “user guides” making it almost child’s play for anyone to use them.
Coupled to this are many ways that viruses can accidentally or deliberately infect an ATM; through the Network, a Technician’s USB Storage Device, Compromised Software Installation and so on.
Unfortunately, it is a fact that a Service Technician or Hacker can easily install Malware, Viruses, or Accidentally Crash the Operating System of an ATM.
The resulting damage caused can range from the ATM “simply” requiring a Software Re-Installation, or loss of Cash, through to a Badly Tarnished Reputation for the ATM Deployer.
The Solution? Apply onion security…
No, this doesn’t mean that you should stand in a field and try to make criminals cry when they attack you!
As any Specialist will tell you, like an onion, the best security consists of many “layers”, each working together to create a Protective Environment.
I am therefore delighted to present “Checker” what I believe is the Ultimate Multi-Layer ATM Security Solution; Trusted to Protect over 200,000 ATMs in more than 40 countries worldwide, and increasing daily.
In addition to its “layers” of Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware protection, and Hard Disk Encryption, Checker also has a unique secure Process Control “Learning” mode, that allows you to quickly and easily manage which Applications, Processes, Files and Services are permitted to run on the ATM, through the creation of an Access Control List.
Checker ATM Security then Continually Manages all Software Process and will not allow unauthorized changes to an ATM’s Software.
And there is no need to worry about disruption deploying Checker to your ATM Network; our proprietary installation process means that Checker can be installed, and configured “on-the-fly” without any interruption to the ATMs normal operation.
If you would like to learn how Checker ATM Security can protect your ATM Network, more information can be found at: and, of course, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
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